During the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are operational as our employees work from home.
A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization providing  Insurance Industry Certification and Licensing in the areas of insurance products, sales and services for  young adults, veterans, women and displaced workers. 
A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization providing Insurance Industry Certification and Licensing in the areas of insurance products, sales and services for young adults, veterans, women and displaced workers. 
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               News & Events

It is suggested to utilize the upcoming weeks for studying and preparing for the test. Classes will be held either through ZOOM or at the Institute office. If you are prepared and need to arrange to attend the class or take the

PA Licensing Exam, please contact us at 412-535-0040.

Next class: APRIL 22-24, 2025


Licensing Class Registration

Please go to our "Purchases and Donation" page for costs associated with the Training Class enrollment. Also "Contact Us" for more information.

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Licensing Class Registration


Please go to our "Purchases and Donation" page for costs associated with the Training Class enrollment. Also "Contact Us" for more information.

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In a continued effort to train qualified candidates to become successful Insurance Agents, A For The People Training Institute is offering minimally priced online training, through ZOOM. Our mission is to train qualified individuals interested in the opportunistic and enduring career of Insurance Sales.
This 3-day, 24 credit class will prepare our students to take the Pennsylvania Insurance Exam and provide them with the pre-certification requirement to take the exam. The class will be held 9:30am to 5pm.  
Candidates will need access to a computer or a smart device that has the ability to download the ZOOM app. A quick Zoom meeting will be held one week prior to class to outline the material covered.  
So please, spread the word! You or someone you know may have been thinking about a new career. If you have the time and the ability to learn virtually, please call us at 412-535-0040 or 412-621-5581 to discuss this opportunity in full detail.
Time and resources are limited so please do not wait… for your free opportunity may disappear.

Published on Jun 21, 2016


What do you think of when you hear about a career in insurance? See what five young professionals have to say about the wealth of opportunities a job in insurance can provide for personal and professional growth; travel; mentorship and training; and community service.


Want to Become Involved?

Contact Us

1 412 535-0040 Phone

1 412 681 5506 Facsimile

9:30 am - 5:30 pm




is the time to study for the next 


class session

APRIL 22-24, 2025


Property and Casualty Manual, Part 1

available for $50.00+


Need insurance?

Whatever your needs,

we will make every effort

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